Admission Registration
Try the Registrations from the General Category registrations (Siblings/Staffs/Ex-student/Alumni Category options available there.)
Admission Registration
Pre-Primary Registrations on-going
Class-I to IX Registrations on-going
*** Please note that there is a Daily Limit of 440 registrations ***
***SIBLING/STAFF/ALUMNI/EXSTUDENT Category without providing the proof (Admission number Id or Employee ID) will be REJECTED.***
****Please note that this is just a registration and does not guarantee Admission****
Please fill in the details for the Registration for Admission of your child toThe DAP School (A School of Status)
Please make sure that the information entered are correct and accurate.
If seeking admission for more than one child, please fill separate forms.
Admission will be strictly based on availability of seats in each class.
The Admission process will be according to the norms of Ministry of Education.
For All Admissions class wise age requirement to be met (ref. to fee Structure sheet)
Provisional admission will be given based on admission test, successful scrutiny and submission of all documents.
The Admission test dates will be intimated to the parents by email.
Admission will be confirmed only after the submission of all the required documents and the entire payment. (Ref. to fee structure) In case of admissions to siblings the parents should clear all the dues if any for the children currently enrolled in the school.
Prospectus and application form will be given on the day of admission. (Cost of the prospectus and admission test fees are not refundable)
Decisions taken by the School, related to admissions, will be final and binding, school reserves the right to reject any registrations without assigning any reasons.